Vol. 5, No. 2
Research Articles
In Focus*
Review Articles
Field Reports
Climate Change in Agriculture:
Voices from the Paris Conference
The following are
extracts from interviews conducted by T Jayaraman in
Paris between
December 1 and 11, 2015.
James Kinyangi, Principal Scientist and Regional Programme Leader, East Africa, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS)
On ensuring food security in 2050:
We need an
increase of nearly 60 per cent in order to meet global demands for major
commodities such as maize, rice, wheat, and soybean by 2015, but current yields
are falling short of that. Trends reflect rising costs, growing resource
constraints, and increasing environmental pressure. These factors will inhibit
the supply response in virtually all regions. We must increase production in
order to meet demand, but increasing the area of land under agriculture
presents major environmental costs such as from rising greenhouse gas
On the impact of climate change on yields:
When you look
at long-term data, we already see the negative impact of climate change on crop
production. For maize and wheat and other major crops, we are experiencing
significant climate-associated reductions in yield. We anticipate that as
climate change progresses it is likely that current cropping systems will no
longer be viable in many locations. In Africa, for example, maize cultivation,
according to some recent estimates, will not be viable across almost 3 per cent
of the continent, whether you do the modelling under the higher A1 emission
scenario or the lower B1 emission scenario. Current projections on area suggest
that almost 335 million people will be affected. The projections suggest that
the affected population will have to do some unexpected adaptation, including
perhaps switching from mixed crop-and-livestock system to only livestock
systems to sustain their livelihoods. Additional pressures come from changing
patterns of pests and diseases; these call for increasing our focus on the integrated
management of agricultural systems.
On plant pests and disease and climate change:
In the Horn of
Africa, there are diseases associated with changing seasonal conditions, diseases
such as Rift Valley fever. Its onset is normally associated with changes in
climatic conditions. There are also rusts, especially fungal diseases, which
only develop at a certain moisture level in the atmosphere. We find that when
most of these conditions are met, disease spreads across large areas.
On tendencies in the literature to
conflate current variability with climate change:
From the
perspective of science, the problem of uncertainty in understanding and
interpreting climate-related signals and, consequently in the associated
planning and action for adaptation in agriculture, is a major challenge for
many of us. A lot of our knowledge is drawn from information derived from
projections and modelling, but projections always have a degree of uncertainty.
Uncertainty should not, however, become a reason for not taking action. With my
colleague Sonia Vermuelen and others, I have written recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America, that even when our knowledge is
incomplete, we still have robust grounds for choosing best methods of adaptation, actions, and pathways by being pragmatic in capacity scenarios and environmental management. Using projections we can test promising options
against a range of scenarios. Decision makers need to sift through options at
different grades of scientific uncertainty.
On changing approaches to planning in agriculture:
Food systems differ regionally - some of us in the north are producing food from very
intensive systems, and some of the food being produced in the South is mainly from extensive systems. So, when you consider the use of
natural resources in both systems you will find that in the North is very heavy
in the use of fertilizers, it is very heavy in the use of water, it is very
heavy in the use of energy. In the South it is quite the opposite -- there are
very low-input food systems.
There are also variations across the South. South Asian countries have low per capita food loss as compared to countries of Africa. Within our adaptation plans, we need to share South-South lessons across regions. What does Asia do in order to reduce per capita food loss that Africa could borrow from and integrate into their own planning process? The whole suite of solutions around climate information and provision of climate services including insurance for agriculture, are crucial for adaptation. Transferring skills and knowledge across regions will be one of the most effective ways to implement the adaptation plans.
On whether the Paris Conference paid enough attention to agriculture:
The straight
answer to your question is that the attention is there, but the will to take
action on agriculture is the problem. I say that the attention is there because
if you look at the commitments made by 133 parties as part of the INDC process,
80 per cent have included agriculture in climate change mitigation targets or
actions. Nearly two-thirds or at least 64 per cent have noted agriculture’s
importance in climate change strategies. Women’s participation in agriculture
is also reflected in INDCs. Nearly 40 per cent of the INDCs either refer to
gender equality as an important goal of climate change action or some form of
goal for a policy action. In close to 30 per cent of INDCs, mitigation targets
in agriculture are conditioned on international financial support. So, there
are bold proposals for funding some mitigation options in agriculture.
the role of genetically modified crops in the era of climate change:
Genetic modification is one way to fast-track and increase gains in agricultural production and contribute to food security, but the
acceptance of GM crops politically and ethically is really continuing to slow
the whole movement. I think what will help is addressing most of the ethical
and safety issues that are surrounding GMOs; that will also involve some kind
of legislative and legal mechanisms on how these products move across borders,
across countries and across regions. I think the more we address the safety
concerns of GMO, the more GMO will play a role in fast-tracking the fight
against hunger globally.
Odemari S. Mbuya, Professor of Agricultural Sciences, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
On the criticism that the United
States Government does not pay adequate attention to climate change and is not
doing enough for climate mitigation:
Scientists from United States have been leading the world
in terms of research and education on sustainability ideas. The problems are of
politics and political will. The United States is joining late, but better late
than never. Before the Paris Conference, some 218 universities committed to take action on climate by
signing the American Campuses on Climate Pledge. So academia strongly believes that climate change is not
abstract but something real and that the time for talking is over. If we do not
act, then we are writing our very own obituary.
Chu Van Chuong, plant pathologist and Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Government of Viet Nam, and Director, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Partnership (RWSSP) Coordination Unit, Viet Nam
the impact of climate change on agriculture in Viet Nam:
We have several
scenarios on the impact of climate change on agriculture in Viet Nam.
Agriculture in our country comprises crop production, fisheries, forestry, and animal husbandry. Agriculture is being affected by climate change. First, we
had an extreme climate event last year: we experienced severe drought, the worst
in 70 years, in the central part of Viet Nam. This drought affected crop
production as well as animal husbandry. Agricultural activities were very
seriously affected by this drought. The second event, in late 2014, was heavy
rain in the northern part of the country, in Quang Ninh province. People have not experienced nature like this
for over 100 years. The rain caused flooding, landslides, deaths, and the
destruction of crops. One reservoir was broken and caused a lot of damage to
crops and allied activities such as animal husbandry.
To cope with such events, our Ministry has developed and approved an action plan to respond to climate change from 2011 to 2015, with a vision for 2030. First, we deal with crops, and based on scientific research, we will restructure cropping patterns in some areas, especially the central and southern parts of Viet Nam. We will focus on the Mekong delta for rice production. Secondly, to develop resistance to extreme climate events, we need to develop new crop varieties such as saline-tolerant varieties of rice, and drought-tolerant legumes. We also need research on the impact of pests and disease, because when the weather is warmer, more disease and pests may occur. We plan to restructure irrigation and reallocate areas that are suitable for cattle rearing and especially for fisheries.
For aquaculture, we have to build an action plan to cope with the effects of salinity intrusion, sea-level rise and the lack of groundwater. We want to plant mangroves along the coastline, so that mangroves can be the regulator of micro-environments for the region.
seeking international cooperation in the area of climate change adaptation:
Our priority is on
most vulnerable areas, first the Mekong river delta, then along the coastal areas.
We would like to have cooperation on developing early-warning systems, to set
up a database and analyses for forecasting extreme climate events. We also want
cooperation in scientific research on disaster or risk management, forestry,
and irrigation and water management.
the problems of small farmers in the context of climate change:
The first is
flooding. The second challenge created by climate change is new diseases and
pests. The varieties currently in use may not be suitable for the new challenge
because of the warmer climate. We have to think about how scientists can help
farmers choose suitable varieties and suitable planting conditions. This is our
long-term vision.
Anand Patwardhan, Executive Director, Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
public figures confusing climate variability with climate change:
One of the big
steps in the Fifth Assessment Report was to try and distinguish between climate
variability and climate change. In many situations, although changes cannot be
attributed with certainty to climate change, it can be said that observed
changes are consistent with climate change. Our ability to discriminate between
natural variability and variability on account of human-induced climate change
is improving. This ability covers not only meteorological variables such as
temperature and rainfall but also biophysical systems, such as sea level rise,
coastal erosion, or glacial melt.
changes in India that are beyond natural variability:
An example is the
intensification of rainfall, or a move towards more heavy rainfall days while seasonal averages remain the same. That is very consistent with what may be expected with
climate change.
why adaptation finance was a key issue at COP 21:
The Convention has
language that supports adaptation and mitigation. In the case of adaptation,
the Convention simply says that developed country parties will support
developing country parties with regard to adaptation. There is no specificity
in terms of paying for agreed incremental costs, for instance, as is the case
for mitigation. In addition, support in this regard can be interpreted broadly,
to include information, capacity building, training, enabling activities, and
so on. The Convention said that developed countries would initially support
enabling activities such as vulnerability assessments, capacity building, and
training, going on eventually to support actual interventions on the ground. After
the Marrakech COP, specific financial mechanisms were created. Initially the
Global Environment Facility (GEF), which is the financial mechanism of the
Convention, did not support adaptation because the GEF trust fund was specific
to producing global environment benefits. As we know, most of the benefits of
adaptation are local benefits, because they are aimed at reducing the
vulnerability of communities, households, and people. After Kyoto, three new
funds were created, the Adaptation Fund, the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), and the Least Developed Country (LDC) Fund. These funds were meant for
adaptation activities. Of the three funds, the LDC Fund and SCCF are donor
funds, so they are voluntary contributions. To this date, the
Adaptation Fund remains, perhaps,
the most novel mechanism for finance, both in terms of structure and resources,
because it was supposed to be funded out of the 2 per cent of the Certified
Emission Reductions (CERs) under Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs). The
Adaptation Fund also had a number of features that were novel and for which
actually developing country parties fought very hard. For instance, one of the
features of the Adaptation Fund is the concept of Direct Access, which means
that funds can flow directly to recipient countries without having to go
through an implementing agency that serves as a gatekeeper. It was also
envisaged that the Adaptation Fund cover the full costs of certain activities,
not just the costs of implementation or additional costs. Donors apprehend
that, if the distinction between adaptation and development were removed,
development activity would become eligible for funding.
The Adaptation Fund is now in limbo, because the Kyoto Protocol is in limbo. The LDC Fund did get resources and these were meant specifically for the least-developed countries to implement their urgent and immediate needs, but over the last year and a half, there has been a complete hiatus even with the LDC Fund. So the dirty little secret, so to speak, is that there was practically no money flowing for adaptation through the multilateral process last year.
developing countries’ current strategies with regard to adaptation finance:
Copenhagen promised
to mobilise up to 100 billion dollars a year by 2020,
the sum divided more or less equally between adaptation and mitigation. After
Copenhagen, a two-track strategy emerged: on the one hand, to push for this 100
billion and to push the loss and damage agenda on the other. The loss and
damage agenda comes from the notion that there will be a residual impact that
countries will face even with adaptation.
With regard to adaptation finance, the emphasis has been on the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which was the main vehicle created by Copenhagen and Cancun to deliver resources. Developing countries have been pushing to make the GCF operational but progress has been very slow. The GCF is now operational, but its track record of delivery of resources is very poor. Developing countries need to understand that the reality is that the actual availability of funds is likely to be limited.
the relationship between adaptation finance and adaptation in agriculture:
Most of the
adaptation finance, at least from multilateral sources, has gone to water, disaster
management, and hydro-meteorology. Hydro-meteorological observation systems are
typically capital-intensive, and can be viewed as basic enabling infrastructure.
Funds have not gone on a large scale specifically to agriculture.
guidelines for India’s strategy on adaptation finance:
First, we have to
continue to press for adaptation finance. There have been many attempts to try
and restrict adaptation finance to particular kinds of countries. The LDC Fund was a window for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). There have been calls to
create special windows for the Small Island Developing States (SIDS), for
Africa, and so on. India is particularly vulnerable to climate change, and needs
to stand up on behalf of the developing world and say that adaptation finance
is an obligation that must be met. Secondly, India must confront the reality
that adaptation finance is limited and much of it likely, in fact to, go to
these windows. So our domestic priority must be to make investments for
adapting to climate change in our main sectors, agriculture and water, and infrastructure
for cities.