About Review of Agrarian Studies Review of Agrarian Studies is the peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (www.agrarianstudies.org), a charitable trust based in India and established in 2003. The major objectives of the Foundation are to facilitate and sponsor multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical inquiry into the field of agrarian studies in India but also in other countries. The Foundation does so in association with a wide section of people interested in the agrarian question, including persons associated with academic institutions, social and political activists, members of mass organisations working in the countryside, and other professionals and scholars. Review of Agrarian Studies is on the list of journals recognised by the University Grants Commission and the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), India. It is indexed by Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau (CAB) Abstracts, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Indian Citation Index (ICI), AgEcon Search, and Asian Science Citation Index (ASCI). Review of Agrarian Studies appears in electronic and printed form. The online version is at www.ras.org.in or www.reviewofagrarianstudies.org and is available free to all users. However, do register now for regular updates and alerts. The journal invites articles on agrarian studies – on the forces and relations of production in agriculture and in rural areas, on living standards, and on different aspects of social formations in the countryside. The Review carries theoretical and empirical articles on social, economic, historical, political, and scientific and technological aspects of agriculture and rural societies. The Review also accepts photographic, audio, and video material. The Review publishes online first (ISSN 2248-9002) and aggregates online content into a print edition (ISSN 2249-4405) every six months. Rich media content (photographic, audio and video material, hyperlinks, and interactivity) is available only online. Institutional and organisational support The print edition of the Review is published jointly by the Foundation for Agrarian Studies and Tulika Books, New Delhi. The journal is rendered online, and the print edition typeset, by TNQ Tech Pvt. Ltd. (www.tnqtech.com), one of India’s leading providers of scholarly publishing services worldwide. The journal is typeset, online and print, in Linux Libertine and Linux Biolinum OpenType fonts with font embedded for the online version. Partial support for this journal comes from the Indian Council of Social Science Research. An archive of the journal is maintained with AgEcon and with the Foundation for Agrarian Studies. The Review of Agrarian Studies receives no advertising income and does not solicit paid advertisements. It does not engage in any marketing activities either.
Editorial Team Editor
Editorial Board Venkatesh B. Athreya Retired Professor of Economics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli Indira Chandrasekhar Tulika Books, New Delhi
Parvathi Menon Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Bengaluru
Madhura Swaminathan Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru
Editorial Advisory Board Aparajita Bakshi Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Bengaluru Sandipan Baksi Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Bengaluru
Barbara Harriss-White Wolfson College, Oxford John Harriss Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Himanshu Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Takashi Kurosaki Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Jens Lerche SOAS University of London, London
Cao Đức Phát International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños Sanjay G. Reddy New School for Social Research, New York City Sukhadeo Thorat Indian Institute of Dalit Studies and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Editorial Coordinator