The Foundation for Agrarian Studies is a charitable trust based in India and established in 2003.
Its major objectives are to facilitate and sponsor multi-disciplinary theoretical and empirical enquiry in the
field of agrarian studies in India and elsewhere in less-developed countries. It does so in association with a
wide section of people interested in the agrarian question, including persons associated with academic
institutions, social and political activists, members of mass organizations working in the countryside, and other
professionals and scholars.
International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) is a pluralist network of progressive
economists across the world, engaged in research, teaching and dissemination of critical analyses of economic
policy and development.
MacroScan is a website managed by the Economic Research Foundation, New Delhi, seeking to provide
an alternative to conservative and mainstream positions in economics.
Tulika Books is an independent publisher of scholarly and academic books in the arts, humanities,
and social sciences. Tulika Books has been a publications partner of the Foundation for Agrarian Studies since